David Aames is a rich guy with all the trappings of a rich life. He's inherited his father's magazine empire and wakes up with a gorgeous woman, Julie, who obviously likes David more than he likes her. At his birthday, he meets Sofia, the date of his best friend, and spends the evening with her putting off his best friend and pissing off Julie. Julie confronts him after he spends a long night with Sofia and as they drive in Julie's car, she learns that her love for him is unrequited. She crashes her car killing herself and almost killing David. He survives but with gross facial disfiguration. Jump ahead months later to find David with a mask over his entire face in jail talking to a shrink to remember "what happened." What happened is that he gets better, gets the girl, but he starts to break apart thinking Sofia is Julie and in the end kills his girlfriend. What we learn at the end is that the entire part of him getting better is actually a dream he concocted to dream when he was deep frozen.