"The Island" stars Ewan McGregor as Lincoln Six Echo and Scarlett Johansson as Jordan Two Delta. In this thought provoking science fiction movie, cloning and the effects on human society are examined. The movie opens with a society which appears in all aspects to be very futuristic. The members of this society believe that the world was contaminated, and that the last bastion of Earth being uncontaminated is the Island. There is an ongoing sweepstakes which decides which of the members gets to go to the Island. As it turns out, this society is composed of cloned individuals. In the "real" world, people are paying a company to grow clones for body parts. The clones are totally unaware of this fact until Lincoln Six Echo begins to question his reason for existence. He and Jordan escape the facility and see life on the outside. Lincoln Six Echo meets his double, and actually sees him die. At this point, Lincoln Six could assume the identity of his sponsor, but faces a decision of whether to return to the facility to save Jordan and the other clones.