Poolboy: Drowning Out The Fury
Screen Media Films (2011)
Action, Comedy
In Collection
Seen ItYes
(October 2018)
IMDB   4.6
89 mins USA / English
BrRip  Region 1
Kevin Sorbo Poolboy
Ross Patterson Saint James St. James
Danny Trejo Caesar
Jason Mewes Doug
Edi Patterson Peters
Bryan Callen Eduardo
Mark Curry Captain O'Malley
Robert LaSardo Spider
Alanna Ubach Karen
Cherise Bangs Hot Hostess
Paul Ben-Victor Kip Tippington
Ahmed Best Sidney Moncrief
Al Carabello Miguel Santiago
Robert Caso Bob
Jennifer Elise Cox Rita
Garrett Brawith
Writer Ross Patterson

In this unearthed lost movie from 1990 that the studio deemed too terrible to release, a Vietnam Veteran Sal Bando(Sorbo), tortured by his past as a Poolboy returns home to Van Nuys, California, and a country he doesn't recognize, in which it seems only Mexicans run pool-cleaning companies. Bando sets off on a brutal mission to reclaim his "rightful" vocation and enact revenge on the man(Trejo) who killed his wife and son.
Edition Details
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Purchase Date 12/18/2011
Location Hard Drive
Tags Never Watched it
User Lookup 1 npw
Links Amazon.com
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===== File Info =====
FileSize : 2472M
PlayTime : 01:29:52.909
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
Video 0# Stream
VideoCodec : XVID
VideoWidth : 1280 piexs
VideoHeight : 720 piexs
VideoFrameRate : 23.975fps
VideoFrameCount : 102934
VideoBitRate : 3192577
===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
AudioCodec : AC3
AudioBitRate : 640000
AudioChannels : 6
AudioSampleRate : 48000